Analytics: the power to transform data into knowledge
Technology has provided the business world with one of the greatest possible weapons for growth: Data collection and analytics. Data is information, and information is power.
The discovery of patterns obtained from data is of great value to businesses. But without careful attention to key indicators, you will never know if a marketing tactic or strategy is achieving its full potential. Analyzing the results of your campaigns correctly will significantly improve your marketing objectives.
Does your page have hundreds of “Likes” on Facebook or a thousand followers on Twitter? That’s impressive, but unfortunately, “Likes” don’t generate any direct benefit. The key question is: how many of those “Likes” and “followers” will become real candidates with purchase intent?
Simply and broadly, the analyses tell you what works and what doesn’t. You need to study which social networks, which type of landing pages, which type of content, and which downloadable marketing elements help convert potential customers into buyers. You can use those results to refine your main strategy, publishing more effective content, in the right place, and at the right time.
Once you evaluate the results of your campaign, you’ll know how to refine your digital marketing strategy for even greater effectiveness. In addition, if you have integrated marketing automation software, you will be able to see which channels generate the highest conversion rate to sales and which ones generate the most leads.
A good starting point would be to start using Google Analytics to analyze your website traffic.