Acebo Insights


A B2B Social Media Digital Strategy

“We have earned a good reputation in our sector. Everybody knows us.” Suppose you identify yourself with the previous affirmation. In that case, chances are you are not investing in a B2B social media digital strategy. You feel you don´t need it. For sure, you have been running your business for quite some time now: you have your regular clients who are bringing new ones too. Your company brochures and flyers contain your contact details, a list of products and services, and your mission. You attend relevant trade fairs as well. Everything is going well, so: 

  • Why should you follow a B2B social media digital strategy?
  • How could social media benefit your business?

Let’s find it out! 

 A B2B Social Media digital strategy for your company 

Just look around.The digital sphere has been a reality for quite some time. It has a special kind of magic! Lights, screens, beeps and sounds are part of our everyday life. We all are part of it, adding our personal touch and unique user style. Information of any kind is available right at your fingertips, wherever a phone, laptop or similar device is available. Now it’s possible to communicate and engage with clients and companies across multiple channels such as email, SoMe direct message (DM), on the phone… This new scenario demands the use of new techniques to grow business opportunities.

😏We invite you to take your marketing to the next level by finding the right balance between traditional and digital strategies. 

A Digital Marketing strategy will allow you to: 

  • Easily find your prospects and interact with them
  • Measure in real-time the impact of your marketing actions

Basically, we are talking about doing what you have been doing for a while, but more effectively. As a company, you need visibility. You want recognition. You create business opportunities by exploring ways of reaching new leads and keeping the current clients.

A B2B social media digital strategy is here to help.

😏All these marketing actions you usually take in the physical world to get noticed will be complemented by your SoMe activities

Benefits of being present on Social Media

Experience is an asset, for sure. Therefore your well-deserved reputation and know-how are two main assets you should feel proud of and share with the world. Social media platforms are undeniably part of the game. And most of us are familiar with many of them. This is an advantage for all players! Because both customers and companies are there, interacting, learning, sharing, and searching. In short, we are looking for each other.

😏On a social media site, it is also easier for a client to find other clients to share your content with. So, you can extend your reach to a larger audience with the help of grateful followers.

A consistent and solid presence on social platforms will promote your content, increase brand awareness and engage customers.

Listed below are some benefits of following a B2B social media digital strategy.

A B2B Social Media digital strategy: Promoting your content

Any important information about your company’s values, the products you offer, or the new trends in your industry…should be part of your regular content. So you create that content regularly, and you promote it. It is not only about online advertising your products, but offering relevant information to your followers. There are different ways of doing it:

Write unique posts. When creating your posts, focus on offering value to your followers: too technical information is not what you want for your audience. Remember that they are willing to get to know you and get practical advice.

  • How about sharing some professional anecdotes? We like real stories that we can relate to.
  • You can also share your expertise. That way, you will improve your brand image. You will be seen as a brand that cares.
  • Add relevant hashtags, and look for the keywords you want people to find you. Also, invest some time in finding out what are the most popular hashtags # for your business. They should be directly related to your industry, your products or services.

😏Make sure that your tone reflects your purpose. Sometimes, you may offer practical advice. Other times you could be more focused on better understanding what your readers want.

Try a series of infographics. A visual form of presenting information in an eye-pleasing way: charts, pictures, diagrams. Etc. Infographics are more likely to be shared by your followers. Colours, shapes and the right amount of text can help you get your message across clearly.

Create effective Call to action (CTAs). Suppose your content resonates with your audience’s interests. In that case, they will be more than happy to interact with it more often.   That’s when CTAs come in handy.

  • Ask a question for your followers. Interact with their answers and comments . They will love your attention.
  • Invite them to subscribe to your corporate Blog
  • Get them to sign up for your email marketing

A B2B Social Media digital: Increasing brand awareness and engaging clients

Having a professional website will help your business to improve its brand awareness. However, nowadays, you also need to be present on social media channels: you will be put in front of more extensive and even specific audiences. Followers will see you, read you, and listen to you. They will share your content if they find it valuable.

Your brand will build a stronger reputation. As a result, your name will be top of mind when followers think of your industry.

😏At Acebo, we take good care of our website and blog content. We also post regularly on LinkedIn  to engage with our target audience.

By regularly posting articles or videos and sharing industry-related news, clients will get used to hearing from you. If a prospect finds you on social platforms, they will trust you more. They can see the professional and human side of your brand. You foster community around your brand.

😏What makes you unique? What can you offer to your audience that others can’t? Write an article, create a video or even a business meme, and post it on social media networks.

Wrapping Up: A B2B Social Media digital strategy is your next marketing step

Essentially, we are not talking about a trend but a reality that has come to stay.

  • Social Media channels are a great business meeting point. We will help you navigate this scenario.
  • By taking care of these online interactions, you will attract customers to your website.

At Acebo, we can’t stress this enough:

Don’t miss out on this excellent digital growth opportunity!

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