B2B Inbound Marketing Strategy. Current trends

B2B Inbound Marketing Strategy. Current trends

B2B Inbound Marketing Strategy. Current trends It is not a surprise that providing online interactive content, should be part of any successful B2B Inbound marketing strategy nowadays. There is a constant interaction between customers and companies, especially in the...
Linkedin for B2B

Linkedin for B2B

Linkedin for B2B Networking has never been easier (or even that fun). Nowadays, we can network almost everywhere (as long as an internet connection is available). As there are many social media platforms out there to choose from, in this article, we will focus on...
A B2B Social Media Digital Strategy

A B2B Social Media Digital Strategy

A B2B Social Media Digital Strategy “We have earned a good reputation in our sector. Everybody knows us.” Suppose you identify yourself with the previous affirmation. In that case, chances are you are not investing in a B2B social media digital strategy....
A B2B Digital Customer Journey

A B2B Digital Customer Journey

A B2B Digital Customer Journey Do you want to reach new clients in order to increase your sales? Sure! So, let us be clear, digitalisation is the next step: clients and companies are interacting and sharing knowledge in the digital world. You have to be part of it!...